We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and expertise with our incredible listeners. Boundless Spirit is a 2 hour program that is pre-recorded with our host Charlene Springer, and airs Wednesdays at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. The second hour of our program we refer to as the “Woo Woo Hour,” and is only available to our subscribers. Please feel free to hold nothing back during this time. Whether it be on planet, off planet, inside the planet, other dimensions, other times – wherever you have been we want to hear about it and travel there with you!
Please select a time slot of your choice to record the interview below. Please be advised that the time is U.S. Eastern Time. We will send you an email confirmation and also a reminder 24 hours prior to the recording. You will also receive an email with the link to our online interview via our meeting software, so please be on the lookout for that. We do request that you either have a headset (and mic) with adequate internet connection or a phone as we will provide you with a call in number if you prefer. Thank you again, and we look forward to sharing in an amazing experience with you!
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