Kamal Polite, A.P., DOM, CHE

Kamal Polite, A.P., DOM, CHE
Chief Herbaceutical Engineer, Educator, Speaker, Acupuncture Physician, Lead Presenter
Kamal Polite, A.P. DOM received his Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management and Flight Technology at Florida Institute of Technology in 1993. He has a Commercial Pilot License in Single & Multi-Engine Landing and Airplane with Instrument Ratings. Upon finishing his degree, he continued to further his education at Florida College of Integrated Medicine in Orlando, Florida. There he earned his 2nd Bachelor's Degree in Natural Science and a Masters Degree of Oriental Medicine in 1997. He became a Board Certified Acupuncture Physician upon graduation and remains one until present day. Kamal served two internships while at the Florida College of Integrated Medicine at the Orlando Chinese Medical Center and at the Yantai Yu Huang Ding Hospital (Temple Hill Hospital) in China. He opened his practice A Better Health Solution in 1997. There he practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine until 2008. Kamal founded his company Si Jin Bao, Inc. in Orlando, FL in 1999. His vision for the company began on a trip to China. While working at a hospital he discovered that the herbaceuticals prescribed to patients came in a raw form that was prepared for the patient to decoct. He knew the process of decoctions could benefit American patients greatly. Despite this, the American public was hardly receptive. The process of decoction is usually2 -3 hours long, and many patients abhorred becoming lay-herbalists to receive proper treatment. Seeing this as a challenge, he decided to create his own decoction process. This would allow patients to realize the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine. Upon his return from China, Kamal began developing his own line of Herbaceuticals. With a Masters degree in Chinese Medicine and experience gained from training in China, he felt confident that a decoction process could be created to appeal to the American public. Being a practitioner himself of several years, he knew exactly what American patients were looking for: a fast-acting, effortless, and tasteful way to take traditional herbaceuticals. After much research he achieved his goal of bringing Chinese style decoctions to America with one difference- they were concentrated. Now patients enjoy the ease of very small doses and the vigor and vitality of powerful formulas. Kamal also developed a line of topical herbaceuticals that have proven to be very successful among his patients. ReviveTM was created to alleviate any type of pain through invigorating microcirculation. SchmooveTM was formed to treat burns for oncology patients who were undergoing radiation and chemotherapy and in the process, was found to eliminate many skin conditions. Lastly, WonderfulTM was formulated to reverse the effects of aging. While they started off in physician's offices, they are now being used across the country in Spas, Salons, and Wellness Centers. Kamal continues to create Concentrated DecoctionsTM and concentrated creams that rejuvenate and invigorate patients all across North America and The World. As CEO his vision is to provide fast acting and effective herbaceuticals to practitioners as a means to serve the American people. His inspiration and love of traditional Chinese medicine has created products that are effective and powerful. He is a noted speaker making presentations at MD Anderson Cancer Center of Orlando and the MIT Alumni Club of Orlando. He travels around the country with his 12 Body Type Diagnosis and Herbal Treatment Seminars for Physicians and Body Type System seminars for the Public including Understanding My True Nature with the Body type System TM, Maximizing My Relationships with the Body Type System TM, and Harmonizing My Training with the Body Type System TM Level I and Level II. He has also appeared on Americas Health Care Network and Medical Matters television programs. Kamal also works as a consultant to physicians and estheticians. He is trained in Tai Ji Quan, Yang Style, Chen Style, Xing Yi Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, and Qi Gong: 18 Methods, Six Healing Sounds, Jin Shan Gong.
To learn more about Kamal please visit…
Herbaceuticals: http://www.sijinbao.com/
Body Type Sessions: http://www.ohoseminars.com/nonprofessional/